Keqin Shi

Ph.D. candidate, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

I am a fifth-year PhD student in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My supervisor is Professor Weiqiang Sun. I received my BE degree from the School of Information and Software Engineering at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC).

My research interests mainly lie in the intersection of machine learning and healthcare. The proliferation of smartphones and wearable devices has enabled a rich collection of longitudinal health data, such as exercise data, heart rate, calorie expenditures, sleep, etc. Based on the characteristics of data, our works try to improve and innovate the existing machine learning algorithms to mine individual’s living habits intelligently and provide effective and personalised services.


  1. Big Data
    Measuring regularity of human physical activities
    Keqin Shi, Zhen Chen, Weiqiang Sun, and Weisheng Hu
    Journal of Big Data 2023
    Inferring Activity Patterns from Sparse Step Counts Data with Recurrent Neural Networks
    Keqin Shi, Zhen Chen, Xuejing Li, Zhifei Xiao, Weiqiang Sun, and Weisheng Hu
    ACM Trans. Comput. Healthcare 2022
  3. DataCom
    Robust Classification of Step Data of Exercise
    Haoqi Fu,  Keqin Shi, and Weiqiang Sun
    In The 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom 2019) 2019
  4. ICC
    Bulk Transfers With GCN Scheduling In Digital Twin Networks
    Xiao Lin, Lanfang Zheng,  Keqin Shi, and Yajie Li
    In IEEE International Conference on Communications 2023
  5. APCC
    Double-Machine-Learning-Based Resource Scheduling Method for Offloading Transfers
    Xiao Lin, Songlei Lin, Yaping Li, Junyi Shao,  Keqin Shi, and Yajie Li
    In The 27th Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2022


HuaWei Global AI Challenge, Champion, $30000 (1/3600), [code]
Huawei HMS APP Innovation Contest, Best Application Award
Outstanding Undergraduate, UESTC
Mathematical Contest In Modeling (MCM), Meritorious Winner
Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contese In Modeling, Third Prize of Sichuan Province


Autumn 2019
Teaching Assistant at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Digital circuit design (undergraduate course)